Cattle and livestock are very valuable assets for the farmers. Farmers maintain the health of their animals by preventive vaccinations, proper treatments, feeding nutritious food and giving hygienic conditions of stabling. However there is still a possibility of death or disablement of cattle or livestock due to diseases and accidents. Cattle and livestock insurance helps protect the farmers from their financial loss due to loss of their animal.
The policy can be brought for herd animals, such as milch cows, milch buffaloes, stud bulls, bullocks, calves, heifers, sheep and goats.
- Coverage for Death due to Diseases and Accidents,
- Coverage for Permanent Total Disablement
Not Covered
- Malicious or willful injury or neglect, overloading, unskillful treatment or use of animal for purpose other than stated in the policy
- Enterotoxaemia, Sheep Pox, Goat Pox, Rinderpest, FMD, Anthrax, H.S, B.Q. if the animal is not successfully inoculated (protected)
- Death due to any disease contracted within 15 days from the date of commencement of the policy
- Transport by air and sea. Transport beyond 25 kilometers from the place of stabling by rail/road and beyond 50 kilometers from the place of stabling in case of transit by foot
- Loss or damage caused willfully or knowingly by the Insured or any person acting on his behalf
- Normal cracking, settlement, bedding down, up heaving of land/structures, coastal or river erosion, defective design, workmanship or use of defective materials
- Theft or clandestine sale
- Partial disability of any type, whether permanent or temporary
- Accidents occurred and/or diseases contracted prior to commencement of risk
- Intentional slaughter of the animal except in cases where destruction is necessary to terminate incurable suffering
- Any consequential loss, however arising
- Death due to Plueropneumonia
For more info contact on: 922 2211 100